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Sunday 8 June 2014

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address
Posted in HowToS By Dhaval Mesavaniya (Jignesh) On December 22, 2013

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

Today’s topic is about E-mail Spoofing, the way to send mail from any mail address. I am writing this post for education purpose only. Don’t try to misuse of this technique and I’m not responsible for any damage.
What is E-mail Spoofing?

E-mail Spoofing means to send mail from the victim’s mail address to any mail address. It doesn’t matter who is your victim. It could be your best friend, your college professor, anyone who has an E-mail Address. For example if you want to send mail from Mr Manmohan Sighn’s mail address (No Bad filling with the Indian Prime Minister) to anyone (But Don’t send to Sonia Gandhi) than you can do that without the password.
How an E-mail Can Be Send?

The protocol SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is responsible for transmission of an E-mail, Which was first introduce by RFC 821. Now a days the port 587 used by SMTP and 465 used by SMTPS (last s for secured). SMTP doesn’t require authentication to send mail and the new SMTP-AUTH introduced by RFC 2554 requires the authentication. But don’t worry we can still use SMTP to send mail.
Now, How to send mail from any mail address?

I was thinking about an application which can be used to send an anonymous mail to anyone. And suddenly I got answer from my dear friend Sagar, who have made an application on php that uses simple mail function of php to done the work. The application is running live on http://sourceprogs.net76.net. Just go to the site and see the magic.
Steps for Send mail from any mail Address

Step 1: Go to http://sourceprogs.net76.net

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

Step 2: enter the recipient mail, sender mail, subject and the message you want to send.

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

Step 3: Press Mail

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

Button and see the magic

How to Send Mail from Any Mail Address

For developers I have uploaded the application which can be download from Bellow.

How To Send Mail From Any Mail Address  <- Click to download

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