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Wednesday 4 June 2014


3 Basic Ways to Tell Your Computer Has Been Hacked

Learning how to hack into the accounts of individuals is really
convenient and pretty cool—but when the tables get turned
around and you become the "hackee"—yeah, not so cool
anymore. Thankfully there are some clues that may suggest
you are the victim of being hacked. To learn what they are,
continue reading below.

1. It Seems as Though a Ghost Lives Inside Your Computer. If
you start noticing that your computer starts to act strangely,
almost paranormal like—for example maybe the cursor starts
to move on its own, emails that you know were untouched in
your inbox before suddenly vanish, passwords magically
change, or numbers and other characters appear on your
screen when you are more than sure that you didn’t even
touch your keyboard—then chances are your "ghost" lives in
some house across the country and is controlling your laptop
or desktop from a distance. As soon as you notice any kind of
the unusual activity listed above, it's recommended to
immediately dis enable your wireless or unplug your Ethernet
cable so the hacker cannot access your computer. Then you
need to immediately scan your computer with your anti virus
software so that it can remove any cookies or installed
malicious software that the hacker administered to your
computer. If you do not have anti virus software installed
because you think it's just too expensive, AVG offers a basic
version for free.

2. Your Internet Connection has Suddenly Turned into a
Turtle. Since hackers have to operate from a remote location
to gain control of your computer, typically it will slow down
your internet connection speed substantially—this is because
more broadwidth is being used. Of course there can be other
reasons why your internet connection is slow—perhaps you
have too many files. But just to make sure, it's probably best
to check your system logs to see if a second or third party
has logged into your computer at any time. To do this, right
click on my computer, select manage, click on computer
management and then select event viewer and security.
3. Your Computer is Always Processing Information. Lastly, if
you're computer is idle, but your hard drive's LED still blinks,
then this is a definite red flag that a hacker has invaded your
computer. Granted, an update may be occurring, but if it's not
you need to immediately disconnect your LAN or WiFi and do
some damage control.

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